Shane has switched to vaping

And I think that's pretty great.

🌋 Smokey Shane

Shane is fun to be around and likes to have a laugh but Shane also blows lots of smoke out of his mouth hole and that's not so fun to be around.

🍉 Watermelon Shane (New)

Shane is still fun to be around and still likes to have a laugh but now blows nice smelling watermelon vapour out of his mouth hole. Shane's good vibes now come in watermelon flavour. Shane has opted for the sexy, compact vape instead of the Walkie Talkie battery pack style.

More about Shane

Shane is hard to summarise in one paragraph but here's a few things we know about him:

  • Likes beers.
  • Tells funny jokes.
  • Talks really fast when he's excited.
  • Likes lasagna.
  • Favourite colour is green.
  • Watermelon compliments his personality.

How you can help

Shane is saving a bit of money with the vape and his friends enjoy him more but it's not enough. We need your help to keep Shane on the right track and smelling nice.

Sponsor Shane today.

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